segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

Easter Bunnies (Bread)

Hello, today i bring to blog new recipe for me i test the bread in buns but than i apply same recipe to do bunnies for eater.
Its very simple and easy to do , with kids if want they gonna love it.
400g/14oz/2.5 cups of strong white bread flour,
plus extra for dusting
0.5 tsp easy blend dried yeast
1 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp fine sea salt

Mix together the flour, yeast , sugar and salt.
Stir olive oil into 280l warm water and stir it into the dry ingredients.
Knead the mixture on a lightly oiled surface for 10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic.
Leave dough to res in a ligthly oiled bowl ,
covered with oiled cling film, for 1-2 hours.
( i used towel,my towel for bread always the same and say my prayer ,
always to bread).
Punch the doug with your fist to knock out out the air then split in 12 pieces and shape in whatever you want i did bunnies.
and then knead it for more 2 minutes.
Transfer 12 bunnies into a greased baking tray and cover with oiled cling film.
Leave to prove for 1 hour or until is double size.
Pre-heat oven to 220C (200C Fan)/430F/gas7.
Dust the bunnies with flour.
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the bunnies sounds hollow when you tap it underneath.
Transfer the bread to a wire rackand leave to cool completely before slicing.
Try to enjoy homemade butter or fresh prescuitto italian or fresh cheese .
I hope you like it, do not forget caring and sharing !!!

Visit the facebook page Where is the wisk

domingo, 20 de março de 2016

Roasted Pork with white wine

Hello , this sunday i bring new recipe to blog , roasted sunday i choose pork this time and portuguese touch with good white wine. I like to use white wine in any roasted even in fish, the white wine always give delicious flavour on food .

Ingredients :
2 pork tenderloin
2 bay leaves
100ml of broth
300ml of white wine
2 or 3 c. olive oil
2 or 3 c. tomato paste soup
Salt and pepper

Pour the potatoes and the meat in a baking tray, season with the remaining ingredients and bake at 200 ° C until golden brown and bake. In my oven takes about 60minutes. Remove and serve with a salad or white rice.
I Marined the prok with wine, paprika, lemon, salt, pepper and bay leaves from the day before. With any meat i do this process but when is lamb, i wash whole piece of lamb with lemon and  leave 2 days to marinate.
I hope you like it, do not forget caring and sharing !!!
Visit the facebook page Where is the wisk

Strawberries Salad

Hello everyone , today i bring to blog easy simple salad to celebrate first day of spring , it was beautiful out there , sunshine in northern ireland last until 19:00 . It was bit cold but it was nice to see all people leave they re houses  to enjoy lovely wheather. I love Spring and i love Summer but Autumn too and winter every seasons have they re beauty.

1 full lettuce
1purple onion
50g black olives
5 big radish
5 big strawberries
2 lemons
1tsp balsamic vinager
2 tsp olive oil (good quality)
juice of 1 lemon

To prepare this salad is simple and easy , first wash all veg and fruit.
Slice lettuces, onions, radish and rest veg and fruit in big bowl a decorative one if you have,
for the taste and sauce in mini bowl add vinager, lemon of 1 juice , salt and 2 tsp olive oil =)
But before serving squeeze the other lemon on to.
 I hope you like it, do not forget caring and sharing !!!
Visit the facebook page Where is the wisk

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016

Empadas de alheira

Ola hoje trago ao blog mais uma receita para participar no Dia Um... Na Cozinha em que tema eram empadas. Esta massa dizia que dava para 28 empadas pois deu me 42 empadas pequenas e 2 potes e uma grande para jantar . Espero que gostem, porque ficou uma delicia .


1 cebola pequena;
2 dentes de alho;
0,5 dl de azeite;
1 alheira cozida;
2 colheres de sopa de azeitonas pretas sem caroço;
1 dl de vinho branco;
1 ovo;
2 peitos de frango;
Sal, pimenta e manteiga q.b.
5dl de leite
40g de margarina
40g de farinha
Sal q.b.
Pimenta q.b.
Noz-moscada q.b.


Pique a cebola, os dentes de alho e refogue-os no azeite.
Pique também a alheira , os peitos de frango e junte-a ao refogado, assim como as azeitonas.
Tempere com sal, pimenta e deixe cozinhar, envolvendo bem.
Regue com o vinho, deixe secar e reserve o preparado, deixando arrefecer um pouco.
Num tacho coloque o leite a aquecer.
Num tacho à parte coloque a margarina a derreter.
Junte a farinha e mexa até ficar bem envolvido, deixe cozer durante 2 minutos.
Adicione o leite aos poucos mexendo energicamente para não ficar grumos.
Deixe ferver 8 minutos.
Tempere com sal, pimenta e noz-moscada e adicione alheira , frango tudo bem picadinho com azeitonas ao molho bechamel.
Unte formas para empadas com manteiga.
Estenda a massa e forre as forminhas, reservando uma porção da mesma.
Preencha-as com o refogado de farinheira e tape-as com a massa reservada.
Pincele-a com o ovo batido e leve-as a meio do forno a 180º C, por 20 minutos.
Retire e sirva as empadas quentes ou frias.

Para massa :

500g de farinha
200g de margarina
2 ovos
Água q.b.
Sal q.b.
Pimenta q.b.
Noz-moscada q.b.
Farinha para polvilhar

Amasse muito bem os 200g de margarina com os 500g de farinha.
Tempere com sal e noz-moscada.
Junte os ovos e aos poucos, junte a água necessária até a massa descolar do fundo.
Depois de tudo bem amassado, tape com um pano e deixe repousar 1 hora.

Polvilhe a bancada com farinha e coloque a massa no centro.
Polvilhe-a com farinha e amasse até deixar de colar nas mãos.
Esta pronta esticar e usar .