quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

Lulas recheadas / Stuffed squid

Lulas recheadas

1,2 Kg de lulas limpas
1 malagueta
2 dentes de alho
1 dl de azeite
1 dl de vinho branco
2 alheiras
2 cebolas pequenas 
2 tomates
1 raminho de salsa
sal e pimenta q.b

Retire os tentáculos às lulas e reserve-os. Tempere-as com sal, pimenta, a malagueta cortada ao meio, um dente de alho picado e metade do azeite e do vinho branco. Deixe tomar gosto durante 15 minutos.
Retire a pele às alheiras e esmague o conteúdo com um garfo. Recheie as lulas com a pasta de alheira e feche as extremidades com um palito. Pique as cebolas e o restante dente de alho; refogue no azeite que sobrou.
Junte as lulas, o tomate cortado em pedaços, o restante vinho branco e os tentáculos; deixe cozer lentamente. Retire as lulas do tacho e triture o molho. Sirva as lulas regadas com o molho. Decore com a salsa e sirva.
 Stuffed squid

1.2 kg clean squid
1 chilli
2 cloves of garlic
1 dl of oil
1 dl of white wine
2 alheiras (portuguese handmade sausage )
2 small onions
2 tomatoes
1 sprig of parsley
salt and pepper q.s.

Remove the tentacles of squid and set aside. Season them with salt, pepper, chilli cut in half, a clove of minced garlic and half the olive oil and white wine. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
Remove the skin from the sausages and mash the contents with a fork. Stuff the squid with sausage folder and close the ends with a toothpick. Chop the onions and remaining garlic clove, saute in olive oil leftovers.
Add the squid, tomatoes cut into pieces, the remaining white wine and tentacles; simmer slowly. Remove the squid from the pan and mash the sauce. Serve the squid drizzled with the sauce. Garnish with parsley and serve.

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