Creme de Courgette
1 courgete grande
1 alho francês
1 fatia fina de abóbora
1 cenoura
2 batatas pequenas
1 cebola
3 dentes de alho
Descasque a abóbora, a cenoura, as batatas, a cebola e os alhos e corte em pedaços.
Raspe a courgete e corte em pedaços.
Lave e corte o alho francês.
Leve os legumes ao lume com água suficiente para os cobrir.
Quando estiver cozido, triture tudo.
Tempere com sal e azeite.
Courgette Cream
1 large courgette
1 leek
1 thin slice of pumpkin
1 carrot
2 small potatoes
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
olive oil
Peel the squash, carrots, potatoes, onion and garlic and cut into pieces.
Scratch the courgette and cut into pieces.
Wash and slice the garlic French.
Take the vegetables on the stove with enough water to cover them.
When cooked, mash it all.
Season with salt and olive oil.
1 leek
1 thin slice of pumpkin
1 carrot
2 small potatoes
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
olive oil
Peel the squash, carrots, potatoes, onion and garlic and cut into pieces.
Scratch the courgette and cut into pieces.
Wash and slice the garlic French.
Take the vegetables on the stove with enough water to cover them.
When cooked, mash it all.
Season with salt and olive oil.
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