2 chávenas de farinha
2 chávenas de água
1colher de sopa de margarina
1 pedaço de casca de limão
sal q.b.
30 camarões inteiros
200 g de camarão descascado
1 cebola
1 raminho de salsa
4 colheres de sopa de farinha
4 colheres de sopa de margarina
500 ml de água de cozedura dos camarões
100 ml de leite
1 colher de sopa de creme de marisco instantâneo
Sal e pimenta q.b.
Sal e pimenta q.b.
um tacho ao lume com a água, a margarina, a casca de limão e um pouco
de sal. Assim que a água levantar fervura retire o tacho do lume e
acrescenta-se a farinha. Misture muito bem com uma colher de pau e leve,
o tacho, novamente a lume brando, mexendo sem parar (este método serve
para retira a humidade á massa). Assim que a massa se apresentar bem
seca e com aspecto de uma bola retire-a do lume. Coloque-a sobre uma
mesa de trabalho e amasse bem até que arrefeça. Deixe descansar durante
20 minutos. Passado este tempo estenda a massa com um rolo (polvilhe
com farinha para que a massa não grude).Quando a massa se encontrar
estendida e muito fina disponha sobre ela montinhos de recheio, em
seguida tape cada um deles com a massa, dobrando-a. Corte-a com o
auxílio de um corta-massa, de um copo, corta-bolachas ou qualquer outro
objecto redondo. Passam-se os rissóis por ovo batido, depois por pão
ralado e fritam-se em óleo bem quente.
os camarões (inteiros e descascados) em água temperada com sal, deixe
arrefecer e descasque-os. Esmague as cascas e as cabeças e leve-as a
refogar com metade da cebola picada e uma colher de sopa de margarina,
cubra com água e deixe ferver. Côa-se e reserva-se. Ao leite junte uma
colher de sopa de creme de marisco instantâneo e mexa bem, reserve. Em
seguida pique a outra metade da cebola muito finamente e leve-a a
alourar com a restante margarina (3 colheres). Polvilhe com a farinha,
deixe cozer um pouco e regue com a água da cozedura e o leite. Deixe o
creme cozer até se encontrar bem espesso. Por fim, tempere com sal e
pimenta e acrescente a salsa picada e os camarões aos pedaços pequenos.
Deixe arrefecer antes de usar.
Nota: Rende cerca de 50 rissóis.
Mass:Flour 2 cups2 cups of water1colher tablespoons margarine1 piece of lemon peelsalt q.s.
Filling:30 shrimps200 g of peeled shrimp1 onion1 sprig of parsley4 tablespoons of flour4 tablespoons margarine500 ml of water for cooking shrimp100ml milk1 tablespoon cream of seafood snapshotSalt and pepper q.s.
Place a pan on the stove with water, margarine, lemon peel and a little salt. Once the water reaches a boil, remove the pan from the heat and add the flour. Mix well with a wooden spoon and bring the pot again to simmer, stirring constantly (this method is used to remove moisture will mass). Once the dough is very dry and present aspect of a ball remove from heat. Put it on a work table and knead well until it cools down. Let stand for 20 minutes. After this time extends the dough with a roll (sprinkle flour to the dough from sticking). When dough is stretched find and very thin it provides for filling piles then tape each with the dough, folding the . Cut with the aid of a cutter weight of a glass, cut wafers or any other round object. Pass up the patties by beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.
Bake the shrimp (peeled and whole) in water seasoned with salt, let cool and peel them. Crush the shells and heads and take them to the sauté the chopped onion and half a tablespoon of butter, cover with water and boil, reserves. Add milk a tablespoon of cream and instant seafood stir well, set aside. Then chop the other half of the onion very finely and take it to brown with the remaining butter (3 tablespoons). Sprinkle with flour, cook a little and drizzle with the cooking water and milk. Let cook until the cream is thick good find. Finally, season with salt and pepper and add the chopped parsley and the shrimp to small pieces. Let cool before using.
Note: Makes about 50 patties.
Filling:30 shrimps200 g of peeled shrimp1 onion1 sprig of parsley4 tablespoons of flour4 tablespoons margarine500 ml of water for cooking shrimp100ml milk1 tablespoon cream of seafood snapshotSalt and pepper q.s.
Place a pan on the stove with water, margarine, lemon peel and a little salt. Once the water reaches a boil, remove the pan from the heat and add the flour. Mix well with a wooden spoon and bring the pot again to simmer, stirring constantly (this method is used to remove moisture will mass). Once the dough is very dry and present aspect of a ball remove from heat. Put it on a work table and knead well until it cools down. Let stand for 20 minutes. After this time extends the dough with a roll (sprinkle flour to the dough from sticking). When dough is stretched find and very thin it provides for filling piles then tape each with the dough, folding the . Cut with the aid of a cutter weight of a glass, cut wafers or any other round object. Pass up the patties by beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.
Bake the shrimp (peeled and whole) in water seasoned with salt, let cool and peel them. Crush the shells and heads and take them to the sauté the chopped onion and half a tablespoon of butter, cover with water and boil, reserves. Add milk a tablespoon of cream and instant seafood stir well, set aside. Then chop the other half of the onion very finely and take it to brown with the remaining butter (3 tablespoons). Sprinkle with flour, cook a little and drizzle with the cooking water and milk. Let cook until the cream is thick good find. Finally, season with salt and pepper and add the chopped parsley and the shrimp to small pieces. Let cool before using.
Note: Makes about 50 patties.
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