1 chávena de chá de arroz agulha
3 colheres de sopa de azeite
3 dentes de alho
1 casca de limão
Água q,b
Sal q.b.
Começar por pôr a água a ferver.
Quando levantar fervura juntar a casca de limão por um minuto. Retirar a
casca de limão da água.
Levar o
azeite ao lume com os alhos laminados. Deixar fritar ligeiramente.
Adicionar o arroz e mexer, envolvendo bem com o azeite e os alhos.
Deitar a água a ferver. Temperar com sal e deixar cozer.
A cup of tea-grain rice
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
1 lemon peel
Water q, b
Salt q.b.
Begin by putting the water to boil. When it starts boiling add the lemon zest for a minute. Remove the lemon peel water.
Take the oil on the stove with garlic rolled. Fry slightly. Add rice and stir, involving well with olive oil and garlic. Pour the boiling water. Season with salt and cook.
A cup of tea-grain rice
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
1 lemon peel
Water q, b
Salt q.b.
Begin by putting the water to boil. When it starts boiling add the lemon zest for a minute. Remove the lemon peel water.
Take the oil on the stove with garlic rolled. Fry slightly. Add rice and stir, involving well with olive oil and garlic. Pour the boiling water. Season with salt and cook.
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