Ola , mais uma Delicia !!!
8 Ovos
1 Chávena de Açúcar
1 Chávena de Óleo (pus somente meia Chávena, cortei sem Óleo)
2 chávenas de farinha
1 colher de sopa de fermento
1 Chávena de Água Ferver um
125 g de chocolate in Pó
1 Chávena de leite
chocolate um gosto
6 colheres de Açúcar
Numa tigela juntam-se os ovos inteiros, o açúcar, a farinha e o fermento e o chocolate. Mexer bem.
Entretanto ferve-se a água e deixa-se uns 2 minutos a arrefecer.
Deita-se a água no restante preparado e mexe-se.
Deita-se o bolo numa forma sem buraco e vai ao forno a cozer, cerca de 30 a 45 minutos.
Depois do bolo cozido deve-se deitar a calda e só desenformar quando o bolo estiver frio.
Para recheio
Para o Creme de Pasteleiro
1/2 l de leite
160 g de açúcar
15 g de açúcar baunilhado
1 pitada de sal
4 gemas de ovo
40 g de farinha de trigo
casca de meio limão
Leve o leite ao lume com a casca de limão, o açúcar baunilhado e o sal. Deixe ferver.
À parte bata as gemas com o restante açúcar até fazer creme e junte-lhe a farinha.
Retire a casca do limão ao leite, e junte-o aos poucos ao preparado anterior até as gemas estarem completamente dissolvidas.
Leve de novo ao lume, mexendo sempre até engrossar.
Quando começa a engrossar deve-se mexer vigorosamente com uma vara de
arames para ficar homogéneo e retira-se imediatamente do lume,
continuando a mexer por mais uns minutos se o tacho for de fundo
Rechear e decoracorar com frutas de lata ou morangos , eu usei pessego e morangos .
Bom Apetite!!
8 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup oil (I put only half a cup, cut in oil)
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
A cup of boiling water
125 g of chocolate powder
A cup milk
chocolate to taste
6 tablespoons sugar
In a bowl combine the eggs whole, sugar, flour and baking powder and chocolate. Stir well.
However boils the water and allowed to cool to about 2 minutes.
Pour the remaining water in the preparation and stir.
The cake is poured into a shape without a hole and goes to the oven to cook, about 30-45 minutes.
After the cake should be cooked pour the syrup and unmold only when the cake is cold.
for the filling
For the Pastry Cream
1/2 l of milk
160 g sugar
15 g of vanilla sugar
A pinch of salt
4 egg yolks
40 g of wheat flour
means lemon peel
Bring the milk to boil with the lemon zest, sugar, vanilla and salt. Bring to a boil.
Apart beat the egg yolks with remaining sugar until creamy and add to the flour.
Remove the lemon peel to the milk and add it slowly to the prepared prior to the yolks are completely dissolved.
Bring back to boil, stirring constantly until thickened. When it begins to thicken should move vigorously with a wire rod to be uniform and remove immediately from heat and continue stirring for a few more minutes if the tacho is bottom heat.
Fill with fruit and decoracorar tin or strawberries, I used peach and strawberries.
Bon Appetite!
8 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup oil (I put only half a cup, cut in oil)
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
A cup of boiling water
125 g of chocolate powder
A cup milk
chocolate to taste
6 tablespoons sugar
In a bowl combine the eggs whole, sugar, flour and baking powder and chocolate. Stir well.
However boils the water and allowed to cool to about 2 minutes.
Pour the remaining water in the preparation and stir.
The cake is poured into a shape without a hole and goes to the oven to cook, about 30-45 minutes.
After the cake should be cooked pour the syrup and unmold only when the cake is cold.
for the filling
For the Pastry Cream
1/2 l of milk
160 g sugar
15 g of vanilla sugar
A pinch of salt
4 egg yolks
40 g of wheat flour
means lemon peel
Bring the milk to boil with the lemon zest, sugar, vanilla and salt. Bring to a boil.
Apart beat the egg yolks with remaining sugar until creamy and add to the flour.
Remove the lemon peel to the milk and add it slowly to the prepared prior to the yolks are completely dissolved.
Bring back to boil, stirring constantly until thickened. When it begins to thicken should move vigorously with a wire rod to be uniform and remove immediately from heat and continue stirring for a few more minutes if the tacho is bottom heat.
Fill with fruit and decoracorar tin or strawberries, I used peach and strawberries.
Bon Appetite!
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