Creme de cenoura com feijao verde
5 cenouras
3 batatas
2 cebolas
azeite a gosto
200 g de feijão verde cortado
Preparação :
Numa panela colocar as cenouras, as batatas e as cebolas cortadas aos pedaços. Tapar de água e levar ao lume.
Depois dos legumes cozidos, triturar até obter um creme.
Acrescentar o feijão cortado fininho.
Temperar com sal e azeite a gosto. Deixar cozer o feijão verde.
Esta sopa fica muito saborosa !
Cream of carrot and green beans
5 carrots
3 potatoes
2 onions
olive oil to taste
200 g of green beans cut
In a saucepan place carrots, potatoes and onions cut into pieces. Cover with water and bring to boil.
After the cooked vegetables, grind until smooth.
Add thinly sliced beans.
Season with salt and olive oil to taste. Cook green beans.
This soup is very tasty!
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